Laser Therapy
There are different styles of cold laser therapy, and different machines designed for various treatments. The most accepted uses for Cold Lasers (or Biostimulation Lasers) are damaged tissue healing, inflammation reduction and pain treatment. At Birch Lake Chiropractic, this is what we focus our treatments on. In addition to these treatments, cold lasers are used for dental surgery, hair removal, and many other applications.
A cold laser is not like a high-power medical laser, which is used to safely cut and burn tissue. Instead, cold lasers use low level laser light that penetrates the surface of the skin with minimal heating effect or damage. The light energy is aimed at your area of concern, and penetrates the impacted tissues. This stimulates the body’s cells, which in turn convert the energy into chemical energy to promote natural healing. The benefit of cold laser therapy is that cold lasers use light energy to help the body heal itself.
Because cold laser therapy is not invasive, it is typically considered an alternative treatment, similar to acupuncture or other muscular and physical therapies. This treatment can be used in conjunction with other treatment options like Ultrasound or EMS. We offer all of these treatment options to our patients since they have provided relief for many patients over the years and may be used in combination with cold laser treatment for even better results.
Biostimulation lasers have been cleared by the FDA for various types of treatments including the treatment of chronic pain and osteoarthritis. These lasers have been in use around the world for over 30 years and have used here in U.S. for over 10 years. Low level laser therapy has been proven completely safe in over 3000 worldwide studies, and many of our patients have realized the benefits of its use.